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Realisation & Reporting on Discrimination @ EFLU, Shillong

Day 1, 04 April 2016: Students from English and Foreign Languages University and Christ Church Morning School participating in a workshop “No Stereotypes Plz: NE is India” being held at Shillong, Meghalaya. Mr Abir Suchiang, Head in Charge, JMC Department introduce the Resource Person and share objective of the workshop with students. Students are discussing their experience after going through the display of grassroots comics for the first time. After understanding the power of comics as a medium, students have started discussing stereotypes and stories that they have personally experienced.

Day 2, 05 April 2016: Students at English and Foreign Languages University are learning the grammer of comics and they have already started giving shape of four panel comics to their stories that they discussed yesterday. Earthquake has just jolted the whole university but students have chosen to stay inside and continue to draw their comics, although the scene outside the hall is worth watching. All inhibitions related to their ability to draw have gone away after participating in draw anything session and draw each other session. Final touch is being given to the comics wall posters drawn by students here.

Day 3, 06 April 2016: A cyclone has hit the area the night before and continues to be present even today, have failed to demotivate students or affect their passion for exhibiting their comics. Inspite of natural obstacles, students have gone out to make photocopies of their wallposter comics that they have drawn.

The first exhibition of final wall posters drawn on stereotypes against northeast being held at the Journalism and Mass Communication Department, NEHU (North Eastern Hill University). The audience who also happen to be students from same journalism stream were amazed to see the product. Each and every creator got a chance to share his/her Comics and that followed by feedback. Students are now discussing their experiences of stereotypes that they have faced and way forward to the skills that they have learned here and how will they use it in future. Later second exhibition was put up at their own English and Foreign Languages University, the happiness on the faces after showing what they have made is incomparable.

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