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A campaign against discrimination of northeastern state people kicks off at Jorhat, Assam

The campaign started with a 6 days workshop at Bosco Institute, Jorhat, Assam. During the workshop students discussed the issue of stereotyping and discrimination they face both in and outside northeast. They shared their own experiences and developed stories around it. Each story lead to a discussion and possible solutions. Based on the discussion 'speech balloon slogans' and 'grassroots comics' were developed.

At later half of the workshop participants were trained as trainers. On second last day of the workshop a test group of another 36 students arrived. They were introduced to he subject through the exhibition of the comics produced earlier. Soon after this new trainers took command and engage students in six small gropus. With in four hours time new stories on discrimination and stereotying started emerging. The exhibition will travel to schools of jorhat soon.

World Comics India has initiated this campaign "No stereotypes Plz: Northeast is India" with the support of National Foundation for India.


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